Julie Rivnak-McAdam
Parent Leadership & Engagement Manager
804-355-6166 Ext 311
Families Forward coordinates Virginia
Circle of Parents® support group program, part of a National Circle of Parents network.
Circle of Parents is structured to allow for sharing of responsibility among parents and practitioners and national network members who represent all walks of life. National network participants include parent leaders, organization administrators, community organizers, management and program services staff and a variety of human services professionals.
The Circle of Parents program is firmly established in the principle of parent empowerment. According to a best practice standard set by the Circle of Parents model, local meetings are led by parents from the groups. Parents are encouraged to become advocates for themselves, their families and their communities. Parent leadership development and parent leadership training is a focus in every aspect of the Circle of Parents program. The practitioner’s role is to support the parent leader in developing stronger leadership skills. The “parent” voice is central to all aspects of the Circle of Parents program – at all levels of the program.
Core Tenets
This mission is supported by the core tenets of our collaboration:
Children are valuable.
Children have the right to grow up free from abuse and neglect.
Children have the right to a safe environment.
Children have the right to a nurturing home, family and community.
Parents and families have the right to non-judgmental support.
Parents and families have the right to respect.
Parents and families have the right to compassion.
Strong communities value children and engage families.
Communities have the right to parent support groups that are culturally responsive.
Communities grow through support from their own members.
Communities benefit from equal treatment of all members.
Mission Statement
Prevent child abuse and neglect and strengthen families through
mutual self-help parent support groups.
We Have Several Circle of Parents
Programs Across Virginia
Check out this updated location listing