Report Child Abuse & Neglect in Virginia
Call 911 if a Child is in Immediate Danger
If you are concerned about the abuse or neglect of a child or if a child tells you that they are the victim of neglect or abuse, please report it by calling 1-800-552-7096. While it helps, you do not have to give your name and you do not have to provide evidence when providing a report in Virginia. If a child is in immediate danger in Virginia, call 911.
Although deciding to report suspected child abuse can be difficult, it is the vital first step toward protecting a child who might be in danger. The Department of Social Services' Child Protective Service workers can follow up. They have the legal responsibility to ensure the safety of children and to provide support to their families whenever possible. Last year, there were more than 50,000 reports of child abuse or neglect to Virginia’s city and county departments of social services.
Click here for detailed descriptions of the general physical and behavioral indicators of all types of child abuse.

If I See Abuse, Should I Report It?
Witnesses to abuse or neglect may experience anger, dread or anxiety, and they will certainly experience a lot of confusion. Although deciding to report suspected child abuse can be a difficult process, it is an important first step toward protecting a child who might be in danger.
How Do I Report Abuse or Neglect?
To report suspected abuse, call the local Department of Social Services where the child lives or where the abuse occurred during the day when the office is open. Check the phone number in your area under government listings. Ask for Child Protective Services and give them the name, approximate age of the child(ren) and a description of what is happening. You can also call the Virginia Child Abuse Hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-800-552-7096. If a child is in immediate danger, call 911. You are not required to give your name, but it helps.