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Funding Virginia's Future:
Fiscal Map of Children's Supports in Virginia FY20

The purpose of the FY 2020 Fiscal Map of Children’s Supports in Virginia was to create a clear report of the funds that the state is investing in its future generations. Updated from the inaugural report, 2017-2018 Fiscal Map of Children’s Supports in Virginia, the current fiscal map, commissioned by Families Forward Virginia, will provide the Virginia Children’s Cabinet, the state legislature and, subsequently, the new administration with an informative tool for decision making, and a method for tracking and analyzing funding data for future fiscal years.


The fiscal map focused on state budget appropriation data from fiscal year 2020 for non-instructional, whole-child youth supports for ages 0-21 years old. Data was collected and verified via an initial interview, data collection tool, and follow up correspondence and document review with members from participating state agencies. Agencies were asked to provide the following data: funding stream names and descriptions, type of services the funds support, total appropriation amounts, originating source of funds (federal, general, and special funds), and designation of funds for prevention services.

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Link to Tool Coming Soon!

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