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Center for Disease Control: Technical Package to

Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect

The Center for Disease Control has developed a technical package, Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: A Technical Package for Policy, Norm, and Programmatic Activities[3.9 MB], to help states and communities prevent child abuse and neglect.  A technical package is a collection of strategies that represent the best available evidence to prevent or reduce public health problems like violence. The package supports CDC’s Essentials for Childhood Framework and highlights five strategies to prevent child abuse and neglect:

  1. Strengthen economic supports for families.

  2. Change social norms to support parents and positive parenting.

  3. Provide quality care and education early in life.

  4. Enhance parenting skills to promote healthy child development.

  5. Intervene to lessen harms and prevent future risk.


The technical package is a resource to guide and inform prevention decision making in communities and states so that every child has safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments.

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