Healing Centered Organizations (HCO's) in Virginia

The Virginia General Assembly dedicated a portion of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to support the work of Trauma-Informed Community Networks (TICNs) in Virginia. In addition to funding a statewide public awareness campaign, a portion of this funding supported agencies and organizations to plan and implement activities to become healing-centered organizations.
Participating Agencies:
Crater Health District
New River Valley Child Advocacy, Resources, Education, and Services
Greater Richmond Stop Child Abuse Now
United Way of Southwest Virginia
United Way of the Virginia Peninsula
Healing Centered Organizations (HCOs) have been busy these last few months learning how to create and implement a trauma-informed framework within their organization. Most of the HCOs have already begun implementing a trauma-informed agency self-assessment (TIASA) within their organizations. This assessment will provide data on priority areas on which to focus to become more trauma-informed and healing centered. Participating organizations are also convening internal Trauma-Informed Leadership Teams (TILTs). The OTRP is working in a technical assistance role, providing coaching, and coordinating training, for the HCOs.