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Home Visiting in Northern Shenandoah Valley

Healthy Families of Northern Shenandoah Valley (NSV) is a Home Visiting program. This community’s effort to bring a Healthy Families site to the region began in the fall of 1996. A Community Summit involved over a hundred community leaders. One of the outcomes of the summit was the development of a Healthy Families Steering Committee designed to explore the feasibility of creating a multi-jurisdiction Healthy Families site. Once the steering committee evolved into a Board of Directors, staff members were hired and trained and program services began in October of 1998. Healthy Families NSV is Nationally Accredited and an affiliate organization of Healthy Families America (HFA). We are also an affiliate organization of Healthy Families Virginia (HFV).

Home visiting programs such as Healthy Families NSV rely on TANF for part of their funding. Learn about how TANF funding is projected to decrease and the importance of maintaining funding for programs such as Healthy Families NSV at this blog post here.


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